IPCHS. Integrated People-Centred Health Services


Contents tagged: social media

April 20, 2016 Global Publication

How are “e-patients” transforming healthcare?

One of the best known e-patients, “e-patient Dave”,Dave deBronkart explains in this video how patients are achieving more power in their relationships with doctors and researchers because of the distribution of education and information on the Internet and connections made in social media during the Conference of the European Society for Medical Oncology #ESMO14 celebrated in Madrid in 2014.



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April 20, 2016 Global Multimedia

How are “e-patients” transforming healthcare?

One of the best known e-patients, “e-patient Dave”,Dave deBronkart explains in this video how patients are achieving more power in their relationships with doctors and researchers because of the distribution of education and information on the Internet and connections made in social media during the Conference of the European Society for Medical Oncology #ESMO14 celebrated in Madrid in 2014.



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June 14, 2016 Global News

#IntegratedCare4People - help us spread the word

Help us spread the word about the Framework on integrated people-centred health services and its web platform by using the hashtag #IntegratedCare4People on your social media accounts.

Suggested hashtags:

Main hashtag: #IntegratedCare4People

Additional hashtags to link to related health conversations: #UHC, #SDGs, #integratedcare, #HealthForAll, #globalhealth, #primaryhealthcare, #healthsystems

Suggested messages:

#IntegratedCare4People is central to #UCH and reaching the #SDGs

What if #health was organized around people's needs rather than diseases? #IntegratedCare4People

Placing people at the heart of #healthservices and #health systems with #IntegratedCare4People

Suggested visuals are available under the URL below.